Dragon Cave 龙洞中文维基
Dragon Cave 龙洞中文维基
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发布日期 2018/03/25
元素亲和力 生命
型态 双足翼龙
稀有度 不常见
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栖息地 金黄: 高山
紫: 森林
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颜色 紫或金
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In-cave spriter badge
  1. default













种族 幼体 亚成体 成体

Floret Wyvern egg purple Floret Wyvern hatchi purple Floret Wyvern mature hatchi purple Floret Wyvern female purple

Floret Wyvern male purple

File:Floret Wyvern egg gold.gif File:Floret Wyvern hatchi gold.png File:Floret Wyvern mature hatchi gold.png File:Floret Wyvern female gold.png

File:Floret Wyvern male gold.png


阶段0 阶段1 阶段2 阶段3 阶段4 阶段5 死亡
Floret Wyvern egg purple File:Floret Wyvern crack 1 purple.png File:Floret Wyvern crack 2 purple.png File:Floret Wyvern crack 3 purple.png File:Floret Wyvern crack 4 purple.png File:Floret Wyvern crack 5 purple.png File:Floret Wyvern dead egg purple.gif
阶段0 阶段1 阶段2 阶段3 阶段4 阶段5 死亡
File:Floret Wyvern egg gold.gif File:Floret Wyvern crack 1 gold.png File:Floret Wyvern crack 2 gold.png File:Floret Wyvern crack 3 gold.gif File:Floret Wyvern crack 4 gold.png File:Floret Wyvern crack 5 gold.png File:Floret Wyvern dead egg gold.gif



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  • 翅膀结构是羽翼和膜翼混合。
  • 虽然生来就有翅膀,但在羽毛长齐前都无法飞行。
  • The flower-like structures on their heads, necks, and tails contain ducts which omit sweet-smelling pheromones.
  • 它们的“花瓣”是非常薄的膜,很容易撕裂。
  • The marginal coverts on the topsides of their wings are covered by another petal-like membrane.
  • A Floret's skin is soft and poorly-armored, but not a major liability thanks to accelerated healing, .
  • Though they may appear to be scaleless, Florets' bodies are actually coated in very tiny, slightly iridescent scales.
  • 尽管它们拥有细嫩皮肤且厌恶暴力,但却拥有惊人的力量。


  • 幼体充满好奇心,渴望了解周遭环境。
  • Tend to follow their parents closely so as to learn as much as they can from their elders.
  • Quick learners, Floret hatchlings love being taught and participating in new games and challenges.
  • Young Florets are far more trusting than their adult counterparts, and thus easier to form bonds with.
  • However, it can be much harder to gain a Floret's forgiveness if it is wronged as a hatchling.


  • The soothing, floral aroma they emit contributes to their calming abilities.
  • Their flowery pheromones are especially effective on magic-resistant breeds.
  • Averse to conflict, they tend to have low opinions of some of the more aggressive breeds.
  • Occasionally, many of the Florets in a region will gather to exchange newly-accumulated observations about the world. *These are usually the only times wild Florets stray from the flowerbeds they match.
  • Although quite proficient in understanding of magic, they are limited in their magical capabilities.
  • Florets are able to heal remarkably quickly, likely resulting from some sort of innate magic.
  • They enjoy wading through freshwater to keep themselves clean and presentable.
  • In spite of (or perhaps because of) their intellectual nature, Florets tend to have a rather high opinion of themselves, and are rather easy to offend.


  • They make their homes close to floral meadows, especially those that contain irises, their favorite flowers.
  • Individuals' colorations tend to match the flower composition of the area.
  • Florets tend to live in caves, though they will sometimes construct basic shelters against trees if they like a cave-less area enough.
  • A Floret's molted feathers can typically be found around where they live. Both for their beauty and for the lingering effects of a Floret's soothing magic, these feathers are often collected by humans and made into accessories.


  • Omnivorous, their diet consists of florae and small animals.
  • They tend to prefer vegetation, snacking on meat only when they have a specific craving.
  • They occasionally splurge on larger animals, but only if they happen upon a recently-deceased carcass; they never make the kill themselves, unless it is necessary.
  • If a Floret is forced to fight and it leaves its opponent mortally wounded, the dragon will make sure that its fallen enemy's remains are put to good use.


  • 这种龙的幼体叙述曾经是这样的:
"Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It seems to always be in a good mood.


[Sub-Quote: (...Between the description, name, and beautiful purple color scheme, I almost wonder if these were originally a Valentine submission that got repurposed!) ]

I've talked about it in the unofficial discord a bit, but yes, they were! Originally, the purple female was the only adult sprite, and the gold variant was my spriter alt. They were intended to be a male-only breed for 2015's Valentine's Day. After they didn't get picked, Play and I repurposed them into a regular breed and added dimorphism, using my alt color scheme as a second variant. Since then, we've revised and cleaned up the sprites, and now here we are with a release, 3 years later c:
