Dragon Cave Wiki

The mature hatchling is the third stage in a dragon's life cycle. When a hatchling grows into this stage, its gender will be revealed, although they cannot breed until they grow into an adult.

Its sprite is often the same as the normal hatchling's, but wings are grown on its back. However, this isn't the case. Some mature hatchlings do not grow wings, like water dragons. Other times, the hatchling may change colours completely; for example, duotone dragons.

Some mature hatchling sprites have diamorphism, or different looks for each gender, such as hellfire wyverns, pink dragons, and many others.

Unlike with the other life stages, this stage may last for over a day or it may be very fleeting with a length of just a few minutes, depending on how fast the hatchling gains views before maturing.

When a hatchling becomes mature, the timer of death will not reset.

Mature hatchlings can get sick, and their description for sickness is the same as that of ungendered hatchlings.
