Dragon Cave Wiki

The Description screen

Descriptions are short little stories that users can write about their dragons, which will be shown below the normal species text on the dragons page. Descriptions are meant to give the dragon a brief backstory; name origin and/or meanings, personality, place in the cave, its history, relation to others, etc. Descriptions are meant to be in third person, with little reference to eras in time, especially to modern day. They must be in English, and follow basic spelling and grammar.

Descriptions undergo a moderation process before being approved. This is to ensure quality control and to avoid sensitive material on the site. While the description is 'Awaiting Moderation', other users can post anonymous reviews, often giving praise or critical help. The moderators will delete flames. Many users have asked that comments could still be seen after a dragon has been approved. TJ09 has said no to this, since any system with information coming in must have information going out.

The moderation process can be as short as five minutes to as long as many months, depending on how busy the moderators are.
