Does anyone know the genders of Quilt (that Pillow Dragon from the 2022-2024 Frosty Farming minigame) and Mirelink (Hooded Murkling from 2022 Halloween)? I have a Pillow Dragon egg and a Hooded Murkling egg, but the dragons' genders are never specified during the events.
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Ok, well, not for a majority of you, but for me, an Australian Dragon Cave fan, it's 1:40 am on the 1st of December! I can't wait for the newest announcement from the site!
Is this normal? like the tombstone is a form undead egg? if so- when will the undead sprite appear?
:') this is the first time i've got an undead dragon please help
Woohoo, new release!! I'm really excited to see what the dragons will look like.
What do you think will be the new Valentines dragon? My bets are Male, no idea about the name though lol
Hey y'all!
You may have noticed from the abandoned page that the Valentine breeding season is upon us. If you could use a refresher on Valentine eggs, or want to see more about past Valentine events, check out the Valentine's Day article here on the wiki!
Did you know? Though Valentine's Day was first celebrated on Dragon Cave in 2009 with the introduction of Valentine Dragons, the first Valentine's Day game was the "Send a Valentine" event in 2012.
We've seen past Holiday games return through the Advent Calendar, what past Valentine games would you like to see brought back to play again someday?
Does anyone know the exact amount of time it takes for a dragon to die of sickness? I've always hid my dragons when I get off the site, but its getting kind of annoying so I wanna know exactly how long I can leave them unattended before getting worried.
My friend has his really cool dragon they want to hatch, pls help them with the process :(
Been having a less than great time irl, and another game made me think of Dragon Cave, so I tried it out again after years... Forgot there was an egg limit, so the fun ended pretty fast
Came back a few days later and I had killed all of eggs within 24 hours in the meantime. So I guess it's not meant to be. I'll just stick to occasionally looking at the art on the wikia v.v
So uhh.. Basically the title. Also, I need people to click my egg and I need help with that. So. Yea.
This wiki is kinda dry, wanted to add a bit of life to this desolate scape with a half-amusing, half-upsetting post.
I thought Git was a nice code and I thought it would match a vampire well! Or, would have…
Whoops 😨
Lesson learned! I should be more carefully about gambling with code names. Especially on Cave Borns. LOL. Unfortunately I looked it up and only hatchlings and adults can be revived too. And uhh, I also newly found out it takes up a spot on my egg slots for a day now! Not too long at least.
I hope I’m in the right channel. And that this is ok, I didn’t see anything wrong in the guidelines. Feel free to share in the comments, it’d be nice to see some life regularly around here :)
The parents are both pure scrougekeepers
i found this wiki randomly seems fun game should i try?
Is there trades that are just trolls?
Some trades say "free" so I just assume it's free but then all the sudden my egg gains 2k to 3k views under a few minutes and gets sick instantly
No I don't put the eggs I'm trading into hatcharies so it can't be that.
Inappropriate names on this pair of Pyropellis Wyverns.
Found through The Hatching Club by child CHwA6.
I was looking through the locations just for any egg I need or with an interesting code, and then I find this guy who I've NEVER heard of...
A single blue spot marks this egg.
It says this breed can be found in Coast, Forest, and Jungle.
Just from the locked silhouettes, it looks like a two-headed dragon.
EDIT: Hold on, I'm really dumb. There was an August Release that I completely missed... False alarm. T-T
I really want a undgendered neglected but idk if my Xeno is worth one, please lmk :'D
Failed a couple times when I bred it with another Scourgekeeper even with Purple bsa