I actually joined last week (14/8/2024), but my introduction posts have been deleted 3 times now. The first post's link I can't find anymore, but my latest post (ie attempt 4) is this: https://forums.dragcave.net/topic/193384-hello/. My username there is "dragonsareneat2024", and I've actually been having lots of fun and finding awesome and cool dragons and stuff. My current living dragons are Alumn the Elux Lucis Dragon, Mighty Khusa (self-explanatory), Tropicore the Gold-Horned Tangar, Zenzi Pinki the Carmine Wyvern, and Foalie the Horse Dragon (my most recent hatchling). You can meet them here (https://chazza.me/dc/hatchery/) and here (https://dragcave.net/group/272721-cute-dragons-plus-4-eggs).
P.S. How does one get verified over at the forums?