like, I got this xol egg and I want to have his variant but he's still 7days. if I incubate him now, is there a change of something bad happening to it since the BSA is to hatch faster?
like, I got this xol egg and I want to have his variant but he's still 7days. if I incubate him now, is there a change of something bad happening to it since the BSA is to hatch faster?
I am trying to send my new anniversary dragons on an Adventure but I have a male and female of each, so I can't pick all six of the species. This is because it shows the dragons of the same species all in a row.
Whenever I try to pick another dragon on the list, it unselects the first. I did select multiple dragons by holding shift, however it only worked for dragons who were in a row, and as you know already, this is not ideal. I am doing this on a Macbook, it is very annoying and I am wondering if there is another way which people are aware works.
I was hoping someone could answer how to revive a dead egg or dragon? i have looked all over the place and can't find anything writing up on this. It would be great if someone would let me know, whether or not i need a certain dragon or if there was a way i needed to go about it. does the dragon have to die on its own? can i just kill it? help would be amazing, thank you!
Okay, so I used Precog on two of my Zyu eggs to get their gender, but I don't remember what it was; I've checked their pages and it doesn't say anything regarding the gender (on both zyu eggs, and both aeon pages.) How do I use it again, on the same egg/hatchling, even if I haven't used Influence on it yet? Or can I only do it again, after Influence? (I don't have an influence dragons to try and fix this.)
When the market says you can´t trade an egg you buy there, does that mean you can´t trade the egg ever? Or could you trade it when it hatches?
Hi, im new. But lets go straight to the point, forgive me if there was already a thread for this.
What happens if a user has a trade up and you try to trade with them despite not having a Magi dragon yourself?
Can you still trade?
~Only eggs with more than 3 days left can be influenced, and abandoning or teleporting an egg will cause it to lose its influence, though the egg can be influenced again by the new owner as long as it has more than 3 days left~
I was wondering about this, because I have been sent and HAVE sent eggs which have been influenced a certain gender through teleport, and they remain/come out that gender. So is this actually correct?