Dragon Cave Wiki


DC map update highlights
"Desert" areas are highlighted in an YELLOW color.

When you come to the desert habitat you can see different messages according to its current status.

When eggs can be found:

  • "As you trudge through the scorching desert, you see many large dragons scattered about, some with hatchlings. Nearby, there is a pile of several eggs.

    You don't want to disturb the dragons, but some of the eggs are far enough away that you could steal one. Three of the eggs catch your eye. Which do you take?"

When the habitat is blocked:

  • "As you head off to the scorching desert, you see a huge pile of eggs. You decide that there are plenty of eggs there, and traveling is unnecesary."

When the habitat is empty:

  • "As you trudge through the scorching desert, you see many large dragons scattered about, some with hatchlings.

    You expected to see some eggs, but there are none to be found."

As of May 21st, 2016, the habitat map has been updated and expanded as part of the many updates given on Dragon Cave's 10th birthday.


All items (77)
